Apps builder


Apr 2015

How Much Money an Android App Makes

  Every app-maker has a goal for their app. In most cases, the goal is to make money. If making money is your goal, then you need to be aware of the factors that affect whether or not an app makes money. 1. App Quality – This almost goes without saying. When all other factors are equal, good quality apps perform better than poor quality...


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Apr 2015

How to build a mobile app

How do you make a mobile app? One option is to hire a developer. Or you can take the DIY route to save time and money. Hiring a mobile app development firm or freelancer to build a fully-functional app from the ground up can get pretty expensive — to the tune of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. For most small businesses, that’s...


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Apr 2015

App Builder

We live in a world where communication became more and more important in our lives, and the need to stay in touch with others appears in all our current activities. Modern technology is helping us to fulfill this need for contact and mobile devices probably represent the most important factor of modern technology. Intelligent phones (smartphones) that come with a more and more advanced operating...


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Mar 2015

About App Store

  An app store (or app marketplace) is a type of digital distribution platform for mobile apps. Apps provide a specific set of functions which, by definition, do not include the running of the computer itself. Apps are designed to run on specific devices, and are written for a specific operating system (such as iOS, Mac OS X, Windows, or Android). The functionality of complex...


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Mar 2015

Travel Apps can Change our Lives

“Not all those who wander are lost” -J.R.R.Tolkien There are many types of travelers in this world; some take a trip to visit places, some travel to seek adventure and some travel to discover themselves. The world, as we see today, has become more open. People from anywhere of the globe can contact people from the other side in a matter of few clicks and...


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